Sandy jack reacher
Sandy jack reacher

Yes, the majority of it is serious, but it also has a great amount of well-placed comedy that keeps it from being too dramatic and bogged down by darkness.

#Sandy jack reacher movie#

It's a detective / investigatory movie without the courtroom scenes and the limitations of his character being a lawman. 'Reacher' places Tom Cruise back in a role similar to his part in 'A Few Good Men,' where he's determined to uncover a case and expose every guilty party involved. Once a highly successful officer in the military police, Reacher is now an off-the-grid " drifter with nothing to lose." Why does the suspect want Reacher? Well, that's the second most asked question in the film, but you have to watch it to find out. " Who the hell is Jack Reacher?" is a question asked many times. Instead, he writes down one name: Jack Reacher. The police find the shooter, an ex-military sniper with a history of violence and psychological problems stemming from post-traumatic stress, within hours. But if you can make it through this one hard-to-watch moment in the film, everything that follows is well worth it. While watching a theatrical press screening just one week after Sandy Hook, this scene was almost unbearable after the recent events in Boston, it's even more so. If you remember, Paramount canceled the 'Jack Reacher' premiere in the wake of the Sandy Hook Elementary school shooting, presumably because of the movie's opening sequence - a drawn out and highly uncomfortable scene involving a sniper taking fire on innocent and unsuspecting pedestrians in a public space. Get ready for ' A Few Good Men' meets Ethan Hunt. The great thing about 'Jack Reacher' is that it blends the old Cruise style, the one that everyone used to love, with the action style that he has more recently adopted. Say what you want about Tom Cruise, I've always found him a worthy Hollywood star. I try not to let the media's portrayal of actors' personal lives affect me.

Sandy jack reacher